How to Make an Effective Dissertation Questionnaire

If you have selected a qualitative research methodology to collect the data for your dissertation, then you will need to make a questionnaire. In a questionnaire, you will make a serious of questions and the respondents give the answers to these questions. To collect the data with the help of a questionnaire is a time-taking as well as hard-working task. Most of the students don’t know how to make an effective questionnaire in order to collect the data. Here, we will provide you some important tips how to quickly make the dissertation questionnaire.
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1) Tips to design the dissertation questionnaire

In order to design the dissertation questionnaire, you should keep in mind the following things;

a) First of all, you should try to identify the goal of your questionnaire. You can identify the goal of the dissertation questionnaire by knowing the type of information that is required for your dissertation, the main objectives of your dissertation, and the research questions of the dissertation.

b) Secondly, you should try to choose the type of the questions. There are a lot of types of dissertation questios like open-ended questions, multiple choice questions, a rating scale questions, and ordinal scale questions. You should try to choose one of them.

c) After choosing the type of questions, you should try to develop the questions for the questionnaire. While developing the questions for the dissertation questionnaire, you should keep in mind that these questions should be clear, direct and concise.

d) You should give enough attention on the length of the questionnaire. Try to keep the length of the questionnaire as short as possible. Too long questionnaire will be boring for the audience.

e) To ensure the privacy of the audience in designing the research questionnaire is also important for you.

2) Tips to write the research questionnaire

After getting enough idea about the designing of the dissertation questionnaire, the next step is to write the dissertation questionnaire. You should keep in mind these things while writing the research questionnaire;

a) First of all, you should try to introduce yourself to the audience. You should write your name, your degree name and the purpose of conducting the answers to the questions of the dissertation questionnaire. These things should be written at the top of the questionnaire.

b) It is also necessary for you to mention what you will do to collect the data from these questionnaires.

c) You should also mention the time for giving all the answers to the questions on the questionnaire.

d) If you are going to give any incentive for completing the questionnaire, then you should also mention it on the questionnaire.

e) Your questionnaire should be professional. After making the questionnaire, you should make sure that this questionnaire is free from the spelling, grammar and punctuation mistakes.

These are the most important tips to make an effective dissertation questionnaire. However, if you don’t have enough time to make this questionnaire, then you can get help from the dissertation writing services.


  1. Visit No1AssignmentHelp.Co.UK to make effective questions and answers for your dissertations.

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