To What Extent Should a Ph.D. Student Include Literature Review In His Research Proposal

We have frequently seen that most of the students try to write a literature review in their research proposals as a formality. It is not a true thing because a literature review is one of the most important components of your research proposal and it should be written in an effective way by doing an extensive research. It is a standard investigation about a topic or idea that you are going to investigate in a research paper. If you are not able to write down the literature review for your research proposal, then you can get help from the academic writing services. Here, we will discuss the importance of a literature review in a research proposal. 

1) To demonstrate understanding

The main purpose of writing a literature review in a research proposal is to demonstrate the readers that you have clearly understood the subject matter. For this reason, you should try to identify, summarize and critically assess the past research that is relevant to the topic of your research proposal.

2) To justify your research

Another important aim of writing the literature review is to find out the gap in the previous work. After finding out that gap, it will be easy for you to make a solid attempt to fulfill that gap with the help of conducting your own research. Therefore, we can also say that to write a literature review for your research proposal is also an important way to justify your study and to set the possible research questions for your research proposal.

3) To set a theoretical framework

With the help of writing the literature review, you will have to set the foundations for your study and try to build your own ideas on the basis of that existing literature. This is possible only if you have formulated a theoretical framework. Moreover, it will also provide a clear idea to the readers about the existing theories and concepts upon which your research is based. On the basis of these theories and concepts, the success of your research paper will also be determined.

4) To develop a research methodology

To write any kind of the research paper, you will have to gather the data. There are two possible methodologies to gather the data. With the help of writing a literature review, it will also be easy for you to select a suitable research methodology for your research paper. Its reason is that to write a literature review, you will have to read out a lot of literature related to your subject. Therefore, by taking a review of the research methodologies that are used in these literatures, it will be easy for you to select a research methodology for your own research paper.

5) To support your own findings

The main aim of conducting an effective research is to find out the expecting findings and results. After achieving these results and findings, you will have to compare these findings and results with the results and findings of the existing literature. This is possible only if you have written the best quality literature review.


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