Racial Abuse In Europe: The Case of Ryanair Flight: What Can Be Done

Case of Ryanair Flight
A belief which provides superiority to one nation over the other is known as racism. Racism becomes a cause of discrimination and prejudice. The basics of racism are race and ethnicity. Racism has become an abuse for a society. In Europe, racism is very common. Most of the researches show that there are the highest incidents of racism in European society. Here, experts of dissertation writing services will explain the case of Ryanair flight and some essential tips to completely end up the racial abuse in Europe.

The Case of Ryanair Flight
Ryanair flight is the number one airline in Europe. Its reason is that it is providing the best facilities with innovative technologies to the passengers. Moreover, its operating cost is also very low. On Friday, a Ryanair flight was ready to go from Barcelona to Stansted. There occurs an incident which was recorded and shared on social media. According to this video, a man has racially abused a woman. Most of the passengers pressurized the authorities to cancel the ticket of this person. They also gave some threatening of boycott to the airline authorities but the authorities were not able to cancel the ticket of this person. As a result, the Ryanair is criticized by all the communities.

Tips to End Up the Racial Abuse in Europe

  • Due to racial abuse, the students are facing different issues. The most common issues of racial abuse are institutional racism and microaggression. Some essential tips to end up the racial abuse in Europe are given below;
  • The first step to eradicating racism from society is to recognize and understand your own privilege. Its reason is that the privilege of a person can last some social, political and economic impacts on society. After getting an idea about his own privilege, one can easily dismantle racial discrimination from society.
  • The biasing can also become a cause of racial discrimination in society. If a person is interested to end up racial discrimination, he should get an idea about the origins of the biasing. After getting an idea about the origins of the biasing and by controlling biasing, we can easily end up biasing from our society.
  • It is a fact that there are different feelings and experiences of different people. We should try to validate the feelings and experiences of people of different colours. After getting an idea about their feelings and experiences, we can easily find out the best ways to engage them in the conversations.
  • Another important tip to get rid of racism from society is to challenge the colourblind ideology.
  • It is a fact that racist jokes and statements really heart the people. Therefore, there is no need to make racist jokes and statements with the people.
  • There are some organizations which are working for the equal rights of all the races. We should also try to encourage these organizations with our donations and time.

While discussing with the black people, we should also try to provide weight for their suggestions.


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