Is Stress Really Harmful?

Stress Really Harmful
Stress is an input for survival but a lot of stress can be detrimental. Emotional stress that stays around for weeks and months can weaken the immune system of human beings and it is the cause of high blood pressure, depression and even heart disease. In particular, too much stress is very harmful to human health. However, in many cases, stress is not a bad thing, because, it gives us the energy to finish our work project. However, too much stress is hard on our bodies. It can cause physical problems like headache and sleep problems. Stress symptoms can affect our body, our thoughts, feelings and our behaviour. In this argumentative essay, the professional writers of essay writing services UK will discuss that stress is really harmful or not.

Stress is a response to change, because, it can be positive or negative. However, it affects both the body and the mind. Usually, stress stimulates the release of hormones such as adrenaline, quickening the heart rate, accelerating the metabolism, and generally prepares our body for emergency action. Stress can devastate a student academic session, because, it kills the joy of learning. Stress is really harmful to student health. It is very difficult to identify the source of stress as well as a handle with stress in academic secession. It is most important for the student to feel stress-free in order to gain high grades and improve their skills.

The body does not distinguish between negative and positive stress: the excitement and anxiety strain can dispirit the immune system of any student. Stress is very harmful, because, it effects in strength and duration. Sensitive stress, intense stress that lasts a short period of time, can rapidly exhaust you, even to the point of triggering anxiety attacks or states of shock. Chronic stress that extends over time is a subtle condition. A student can become familiarized to some level of continual tension, but this stress will yet damage you. Chronic stress is often ignored until understandable physical symptoms appear.

Natives can face and difficult time and may feel depressed. In fact, stress is one of the five stages of the Kubler Ross grieving process, and yet a tough time for the students. A student should think positive in order to overcome the stress. Here are common sources of stress include examinations, bereavements, parental expectations, homesickness, and conflicts with intimate partners, and thoughts of the future. Untimely physical signs of stress can include frequent illness, slow recovery from disease, and hypersensitivity to irritants such as pollen and persistent rashes or headaches. Controlling stress is easier if you enter a circumstance with a clear graph for dealing with stressors. Try to develop a comprehensive stress strategy in order to feel stress-free. You should develop a complete relation routine in order to stay fit and healthy. Stress can be harmful to all the students, but in many cases, it is helpful, because, it provides us power in order to finish our projects in the class.


  1. Yes! stress are really harmful for your mind and body. Know from expert's at No1AssignmentHelp.Co.UK.

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